Title: Gen Z Makes the Church Their Own
Publish Date: August 23, 2022
Today’s episode is Part 2 of the Gen Z and Church conversation. KrisAnne leads us into a discussion of how church leaders of today can help Gen Zs in making the Church their own. The SHE team thinks together through an important question: How do we see the church changing and being shaped to meet the needs of and to leverage the strengths of this upcoming generation? KrisAnne opens with an analogy of passing down the family business and giving each generation the freedom to change it and make it their own. How can the Church of today graciously do that for the Church of tomorrow?
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Pew Research, “What We Know About Gen Z So Far.”
Relevant Magazine, “How Gen Z Will Shape the Church.”
Religion News Service, “Gen Z is Lukewarm About Religion.”
Seth Gillman,”Why Young People Face a Major Mental Health Crisis,” in Psychology Today, 2019.
Diana Butler-Bass, Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening.
“Play Like A Girl” by June & Jean Millington is licensed under an Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License that can be found here, Creative Commons Legal Code.
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