Title: The State of the Church 2023
Publish Date: February 02, 2023
Is the Church responding well to the declines of religious participation in the Church or are our responses not much more that rearranging decks chairs on the Titanic? In this episode we take a moment to take stock of the Church and what we invest our time, energy, and ourselves into every week. It is December 2022 and we thought it would be a good time to discuss the State of the Church as we head into a new year. The SHE-Team tackles two questions: how our churches and denominations are responding to the post-religious changes we are experiencing in the Us (church attendance, pastoral credibility, the end of Christendom and its institutional form), and second, what we each consider the most pressing question facing the Church for 2023.
What Barna’s New Data Says About the Perception of Church
A New Chapter in Millennial Church Attendance – Barna Group
Credibility of pastors waning as influence of Christianity loses cultural dominance: study
Modeling the Future of Religion in America
New Metrics for Measuring What Matters: Flourishing People & Thriving Churches – Barna Group
“Play Like A Girl” by June & Jean Millington is licensed under an Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License that can be found here, Creative Commons Legal Code.
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