Title: Mother’s Day Disruptions 2023
Publish Date: May 12, 2023
The SHE Team is talking about Mother’s Day and the annual celebration we hold at our churches and how it has become–or has always been–problematic for some women and maybe for some men as well. Before the four of us settled on doing a Mother’s Day episode, we agreed that it would definitely fall in the category or genre of disruption–meaning, our conversation will intentionally seek to disrupt the accepted norms and behaviors of how the church celebrates Mother’s Day. This is #anti-donut ministry at its finest. However, while in the spirit of deconstructing the current state of Mother’s Day, we want to finish up the episode with a bit of re-construction and talk about how the church can honor the vocation of motherhood first, as partnering with God in God’s work in the world and also, motherhood as a journey to holiness that sanctifies through sacrificial and selfless service to the little people entrusted to them.
Diana Butler Bass, The Radical History Of Mothers Day | HuffPost Religion
Layton E. Williams, 3 Tips for Churches Celebrating Mother’s Day | Sojourners
Aaron Earls, 8 Ways to Honor Moms Without Dishonoring Others – Lifeway Research
Jen Oshman, Here’s What I’ll Say On Mother’s Day When We Gather With Our Church
Janet Quinlan, Vocation as a Path to Sanctity – The Catholic Woman
“Play Like A Girl” by June & Jean Millington is licensed under an Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License that can be found here, Creative Commons Legal Code.
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