Title: Structures of Power and Shiny Happy People, Part 2
In this episode the SHE-Team discusses abuses of power and deception and vulnerability within the church. Inspired by Diane Langberg’s ‘Redeeming Power’ and the ‘Shiny Happy People’ documentary on the Duggars, the discussion addresses the power dynamics revealed in the Duggar family’s story and the broader implications within religious communities, especially concerning the Institute for Basic Life Principles (IBLP). Through a detailed examination of male headship, dominance, and the exploitation of vulnerable members within faith-based settings, the episode sheds light on the mechanisms that enable and conceal abuses. It also evaluates the role of accountability structures in preventing abuse, alongside the critical importance of empowering individuals within the church to promote transparency and justice. This episode not only critiques the existing power structures and abuses within Christian communities but also suggests a paradigm shift towards a more equitable and Kingdom-centered approach in church leadership and community life.