Ep16 Go Away! : Second Generation Gender Bias in the Church
Are there signs that we hang on the metaphorical front door of our churches or our denominations, that unwittingly, subtly, in the most gentlest of fonts communicate “Go Away” to certain individuals that don't fit comfortably into our communities or our theology, or...
Ep 15 Mother’s Day Disruptions 2023
Title: Mother’s Day Disruptions 2023 Publish Date: May 12, 2023 The SHE Team is talking about Mother’s Day and the annual celebration we hold at our churches and how it has become–or has always been–problematic for some women and maybe for some men as well. Before the...
Ep13 Women Living into Seasons of Vocation
Title: Women and Seasons of VocationPublish Date: March 13, 2023 The SHE-Team rethinks concepts of vocation as it aligns with the seasons of women’s lives. Author Kathleen Cahalan challenges thinking about vocation in terms of discovering my “lifelong vocation.” She...
Ep12 State of the Church: Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic?
Title: The State of the Church 2023Publish Date: February 02, 2023 Is the Church responding well to the declines of religious participation in the Church or are our responses not much more that rearranging decks chairs on the Titanic? In this episode we take a moment...
Ep11 Triage on the Great Pastoral Resignation, Pt2
Publish date: December 30, 2022 In episode 11, the SHE-Team picks up where we left off in Part 1 of the Great Pastoral Resignation, offering advice and wisdom on how to do triage to provide care for your pastor. We get super practical with suggestions for church...
Ep 10 The Great Pastoral Resignation
Publish Date: November 30, 2022 In today’s episode the SHE-Team explores the social, mental, and political fallout facing pastors in church ministry today as they’ve led congregations through a pandemic, social and political...
Ep 09 Being the Church as Counter Liturgy – Pt 2
Title: Being the Church as Counter-LiturgyPublish Date: October 30, 2022 In today’s episode we continue our discussion around Felicia Wu Song’s concept of Church as Counter-Liturgy found in her latest book, Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place...
Ep 08 Our Really Bad Digital Habits & Church as Counter-Liturgy
Title: Our Really Bad Digital Habits & Church as Counter-Liturgy Publish Date: September 23, 2022 In today’s episode we explore Felicia Wu Song’s concept of Church as Counter-Liturgy. Dr. Song is a cultural sociologist and professor at Westmont College and a...
Ep 07 Gen Z Makes the Church Their Own
SHOW NOTES Title: Gen Z Makes the Church Their Own Publish Date: August 23, 2022 Today’s episode is Part 2 of the Gen Z and Church conversation. KrisAnne leads us into a discussion of how church leaders of today can help Gen Zs in making the Church their own. The SHE...
Ep 06 Gen Z Wants to Go to Church, But…
SHOW NOTES Episode 06 Title: Gen Z Wants to Go to Church, But... Publish Date: June 27, 2022 KrisAnne leads the SHE-Team in a conversation on how Generation Z will change the church of the future. We base our discussion on survey results completed by about 50 high...