
Ep 04 The Changing Tide of Ministry Structures

SHOW NOTES Episode 04 Title:  The Changing Tide of Ministry Structures Publish Date: April 15, 2022 Jen leads the SHE-Team in exploring the question of how training for ministry needs to change to be more effective for the next generation, with a focus on how we...

Ep 01 We Are SHEcclesiology–Girls Talking Church

SHOW NOTESEpisode 01 - The Pilot Title: We Are SHEcclesiology–Girls Talking ChurchPublish Date: Feb 03, 2022EPISODE DESCRIPTION: I, Jayne Wilcox, along with Kim Hu, Jennifer Johnson, and Kris Anne Swartley kick off our pilot episode of SHEcclesiology–Girls Talking...

Ep 02 Did the Church Do Its Part in the Pandemic?

SHOW NOTES Episode 02 Title:  Two Years and Counting: Did the Church Do Its Part in the Coronavirus Pandemic?Publish Date: March 2, 2022 EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Jayne Wilcox, Kim Hu, Jennifer Johnson, and Kris Anne Swartley tackle the question, Did the Church Do Its Part...

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