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In this episode, the SHE-Team discusses the short film "For Our Daughters," which documents stories of sexual abuse within the evangelical church, sharing their reactions to the film with a particular focus on the church's inadequate responses and the abuse of power, particularly by men, and the silencing of women's...
Published: 01-07-2025
In this episode, the SHE-Team talks with guest Nate Bebout, lead pastor at Park Street Brethren Church about his sermon on Mark 7 when Jesus animates limbs and opens the ears and mouth of a deaf mute. Together, they discuss the parallels between idol-making practices in ancient times and today's...
Published: 11-18-2024
In this episode, the SHE-Team welcomes Dr. Miranda Zapor Cruz to discuss her book Faithful Politics: Ten Approaches to Christian Citizenship and Why It Matters' Dr. Cruz, a professor of historical theology at Indiana Wesleyan University with a Ph.D. in religion, politics, and society from Baylor University, shares her vocational...
Published: 10-01-2024
The SHE Team had such a great time talking with Dr. Holly Carey and discussing her book, Women Who Do: Female Disciples in the Gospels. Holly shares her vocational journey as a biblical scholar, talks about the inspiration that led her to write Women Who Do, and shows us the...
Published: 07-31-2024
In this episode the SHE-Team kicks off a new series where they read a selected book and interview the author. Today is Jayne's pick, 'Ordinary Time: Meditations from the In-Between' by Sarah Wells. Sarah, an accomplished author, discusses writing as calling and a ministry, finding the sacred in the ordinary,...
Published: 07-01-2024
In the SHEcclesiology--Girls Talking Church podcast, host Jayne Wilcox and her co-hosts, Kim, Jennifer, Krisanne discuss Sharon Hoddy Miller's book ‘Control: Why We Crave It, the Anxiety It Gives Us, and the Real Power God Promises.’ They discuss various aspects of control as presented by Hodde-Miller, from controlling information and...
Published: 06-01-2024
In this episode the SHE-Team discusses abuses of power and deception and vulnerability within the church. Inspired by Diane Langberg's 'Redeeming Power' and the 'Shiny Happy People' documentary on the Duggars, the discussion addresses the power dynamics revealed in the Duggar family's story and the broader implications within religious communities,...
Published: 04-19-2024
In this episode the SHE-Team delves into themes of power, deception, and vulnerability within the church. We discuss Diane Langberg's work on power dynamics, "Redeeming Power: Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church" and the documentary on the Duggars titled “Shiny Happy People”. The episode unpacks various forms of power,...
Published: 03-12-2024
The SHE-Team returns after a short furlough through the Fall season. We look back at 2023 and catch up with each other about our transitions in life and work. We ponder the weightiness of new titles and how much we haven’t changed even while we transition into new roles, responsibilities,...
Published: 01-12-2024
The SHE team watches the Barbie movie! We're are super excited to talk about the fun and glitter of Barbie Land, our take on various scenes, our most favorite lines, and of course we bring it home with some application between the church, Barbies and Kens, and the patriarchy represented...
Published: 08-23-2023
Are there signs that we hang on the metaphorical front door of our churches or our denominations, that unwittingly, subtly, in the most gentlest of fonts communicate “Go Away” to certain individuals that don't fit comfortably into our communities or our theology, or certain kinds of people that are different...
Published: 06-23-2023
The SHE Team is talking about Mother’s Day and the annual celebration we hold at our churches and how it has become–or has always been–problematic for some women and maybe for some men as well. Before the four of us settled on doing a Mother’s Day episode, we agreed that...
Published: 05-12-2023
The SHE team picks up where we left off in the last episode on Women in Seasons of Vocation. Cathleen Cahalan in her book, Calling All Years Good, suggests that "callings are discerned through relationships... they are mutually influencing and responsive to others." For sure, the influence of those we...
Published: 04-07-2023
The SHE-Team rethinks concepts of vocation as it aligns with the seasons of women’s lives. Author Kathleen Cahalan challenges thinking about vocation in terms of discovering my “lifelong vocation” and proposes the idea that women’s experiences of vocation change through different seasons of our lives. In her book Calling All...
Published: 03-14-2023
Is the Church responding well to the declines of religious participation in the Church or are our responses not much more than rearranging decks chairs on the Titanic. In this episode we take a moment to take stock of the Church and what we invest our time, energy, and ourselves...
Published: 02-02-2023
In episode 11, the SHE-Team picks up where we left off in Part 1 of the Great Pastoral Resignation, offering advice and wisdom on how to do triage to provide care for your pastor. We get super practical with suggestions for church boards and congregants in how they might fulfill...
Published: 12-30-2022
In today’s episode the SHE-Team explores the social, mental, and political fallout facing pastors in church ministry today as they’ve led congregations through a pandemic, social and political unrest, and disunity in their churches. We start with the Barna Research data that reveals the sobering reality of how many Protestant...
Published: 12-01-2022
In today’s episode we continue our discussion around Felicia Wu Song’s concept of Church as Counter-Liturgy found in her latest book, Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age. She calls us to consider how the church can be a community whose collective practices of resistance shapes...
Published: 10-31-2022
In today’s episode the SHE-Team explores Felicia Wu Song’s concept of Church as Counter-Liturgy. Dr. Song is a cultural sociologist and professor at Westmont College and a scholar at the intersection of faith and digital technologies. Her latest book is Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital...
Published: 09-23-2022
Today’s episode is Part 2 of the Gen Z and Church conversation. KrisAnne leads us into a discussion of how church leaders of today can help Gen Zs in making the Church their own. The SHE team thinks together through an important question: How do we see the church changing...
Published: 08-23-2022